How to Make Cà Phê Muối: Vietnamese Salt Coffee Guide

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Written By Hot Thai Restaurant

In the bustling streets of Hanoi and the serene corners of Hue, a unique beverage has been capturing the hearts of coffee enthusiasts and curious taste buds alike. Cà phê muối, or salt coffee, is not just your ordinary cup of joe. This intriguing concoction blends the robust flavors of coffee with the unexpected zing of salt, creating a sensory experience that has people lining up under the sun, eager for a taste.

But as we dive into the world of salt coffee, we’re also mindful of the health conversations it sparks. With concerns about salt intake on the rise, it’s a reminder to enjoy this fascinating drink in moderation. Join us as we explore the allure of cà phê muối, a testament to Vietnam’s rich culinary innovation and its ability to surprise and delight.

What Is Cà Phê Muối?

Cà phê muối, or salt coffee, emerges as a testament to Vietnam’s rich culinary traditions and its knack for innovation within the beverage domain. At its core, this distinctive drink is a harmonious blend of robust coffee, smooth milk, and a surprising twist – a pinch of salt. The juxtaposition of saltiness against the deep, bitter notes of coffee creates a sensory experience that’s both unexpected and delightful. The addition of milk, often in the form of fresh or fermented dairy, enriches the coffee’s texture and taste, lending it a creamy, velvety quality that’s hard to resist.

In crafting cà phê muối, the balance of ingredients is key. The coffee should be strong and aromatic, able to stand up to the boldness of the salt without being overshadowed. Meanwhile, the milk’s sweetness and creaminess should complement, not dilute, the coffee’s intensity. The salt, although just a pinch, is the crowning ingredient that ties everything together, accentuating the coffee’s rich flavor and the milk’s smoothness.

Despite its growing popularity, cà phê muối has also sparked a health conversation regarding sodium intake. Given the already high consumption of salt in typical diets, particularly in Vietnam where the intake is nearly double the recommended amount, there’s a valid concern about adding more through beverages like salt coffee. This has led many to enjoy cà phê muối as an occasional treat rather than a daily indulgence, mindful of balancing pleasure with health considerations.

The Origin of Salted Coffee

Delving into the beginnings of salted coffee, or “cà phê muối,” takes us back to the charming city of Huế, Vietnam. This unique coffee drink, blending robusta coffee beans with a touch of salt, emerged from a desire to innovate while staying rooted in tradition. In Huế, a city known for its rich cultural heritage and culinary prowess, the inception of salted coffee was akin to a quiet revolution in the local coffee scene.

The story goes that the founders, Mr. Phong and Mrs. Hương, stumbled upon this delightful concoction almost by chance. Experimenting at their family-run café, they sought to create a coffee drink that was both familiar and novel. What they achieved was a balance of bitter and sweet, enhancing the robust flavors of Vietnamese coffee with the unexpected twist of salt. This balancing act of flavors is reminiscent of salted caramel, a taste sensation that appeals to our inherent love for the interplay between savory and sweet.

The innovation didn’t stop at the drink itself. The atmosphere of Cà Phê Muối, where this beverage was born, echoes the fusion of the old and the new. The décor and ambiance reflect a respect for Vietnam’s past, while the presence of salted coffee on the menu marks a step towards contemporary culinary exploration.

Initially, salted coffee was Huế’s best-kept secret, known only to locals and a few adventurous travelers. The founders, Mr. Phong and Mrs. Hương, kept their recipe close to the vest, contributing to the mystique and allure of their signature drink. It was only through word of mouth that the popularity of cà phê muối began to spread beyond the borders of Huế, sparking curiosity and interest across Vietnam.

Today, salted coffee is celebrated not just in Huế but all over Vietnam. Its success is a testament to the Vietnamese knack for culinary creativity, seamlessly blending tradition with innovation. As we revisit the origins of salted coffee, we’re reminded of the simple yet profound joy that food and drink can bring, bridging cultures and stirring the senses in unexpected ways.

Why Add Salt to Coffee?

Adding salt to coffee might seem unconventional at first, but it’s a game-changer when it comes to enhancing the overall taste and experience of your coffee.

Reducing Bitterness

One of the most compelling reasons we add salt to coffee is its ability to counteract bitterness. Coffee, especially robust blends used in Vietnamese coffee like robusta beans, can sometimes have a harsh bitter edge due to their high caffeine content. When we introduce a pinch of salt into the brew, it interacts with the taste receptors on our tongues in such a way that the bitterness is significantly muted. This doesn’t mean the coffee becomes salty; instead, the salt acts as a natural bitterness blocker, making each sip smoother and more enjoyable.

Enhancing Flavor

Beyond just taming bitterness, salt has the remarkable ability to enhance the inherent flavors of coffee. Just as salt can amplify the sweetness in foods, it can bring out the natural depth and complex flavor profiles in coffee. By adding salt, we might notice notes of chocolate, caramel, or fruit come to the forefront, flavors that were previously overshadowed by bitterness. This surprising interaction between salt and the coffee’s aromatics adds a whole new layer of richness and enjoyment to our beloved morning brew, transforming it into a more nuanced and flavorful experience.

Ingredients for Cà Phê Muối

In our journey to recreate the beloved Vietnamese Salt Coffee or Cà Phê Muối at home, we’ve gathered a list of specific ingredients. This concoction balances the richness of coffee with the intriguing twist of salt, resulting in a flavor profile that is both unique and delightful. Here’s everything you’ll need to bring this culinary delight from the streets of Vietnam into your own kitchen.

  • 2 tablespoons of Vietnamese ground coffee (preferably Robusta)
  • 2 teaspoons of fine sea salt
  • 1-2 tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk, to taste
  • 1 cup of boiling water
  • 1/2 cup of heavy whipping cream, well-chilled
  • 1 tablespoon of icing sugar

Substitutions & Variations

Understanding that some ingredients might be harder to find or you might want to tweak the recipe to suit your palate, we’ve compiled some helpful substitutions and variations.

  • Vietnamese Ground Coffee: If you don’t have access to Vietnamese coffee, any strong, dark roast ground coffee can serve as a substitute. The key is to aim for a bold flavor characteristic of Vietnamese Robusta beans.
  • Fine Sea Salt: Though we recommend fine sea salt for its ability to blend smoothly into the drink, table salt or even Himalayan pink salt can be used in a pinch. Start with less than the recipe calls for and adjust to taste, as these salts vary in intensity.
  • Sweetened Condensed Milk: For a dairy-free or vegan alternative, coconut condensed milk is a fantastic substitute that adds an extra layer of flavor.
  • Heavy Whipping Cream: If you’re looking for a lighter option, half-and-half or full-fat coconut milk can replace heavy whipping cream. To maintain the frothy top, ensure the substitute is well-chilled before whipping.
  • Icing Sugar: For a healthier option, consider swapping out icing sugar with a drizzle of honey or agave syrup in the whipped cream. Keep in mind the liquid sweeteners will slightly alter the texture of the whipped cream, making it less stiff.

Each substitution brings a new dimension to the Cà Phê Muối, allowing you to customize it to your liking while keeping the spirit of this unique beverage alive. Experiment with these variations to find your perfect cup of salted coffee.

Required Tools and Equipment

To brew the perfect cup of Cà Phê Muối at home, you’ll need to have the right tools and equipment on hand. Don’t worry—the list isn’t long or overly complicated. In fact, you might already have most of these items in your kitchen. Here’s exactly what you’ll need to get started:

  1. Coffee Grinder: If you’re starting with whole coffee beans, you’ll need a grinder to get your coffee to the right coarseness. A medium grind works best for this particular recipe.
  2. Coffee Maker or Phin Filter: Traditional Vietnamese coffee is made using a Phin filter, but if you don’t have one, any drip coffee maker or a French press will do the trick.
  3. Measuring Cups and Spoons: Precision matters in the art of coffee-making. Use measuring cups for liquids like water and sweetened condensed milk and measuring spoons for more solid ingredients like coffee and salt.
  4. Small Saucepan: This is for heating up the heavy whipping cream to create the creamy foam on top of your Cà Phê Muối.
  5. Electric Mixer or Whisk: Once your cream is heated, you’ll need an electric mixer or a good old-fashioned whisk to whip it into a frothy topping.
  6. Coffee Mug or Glass: Finally, you’ll need a mug or glass for serving. Something clear is nice for presentation, as it showcases the layers of coffee and cream.

How to Make Cà Phê Muối

Crafting the perfect cup of Cà Phê Muối at home brings a touch of Vietnamese culinary tradition right into your kitchen. This guide will lead you through each step to create this unique coffee experience.

Prep Work

First things first, let’s gather our ingredients and lay them out. For a single serving of Cà Phê Muối, you’ll need:

  • 25g (about 2 tablespoons) of Vietnamese robusta coffee grounds
  • Hot water, just off the boil
  • 25ml (about 2 tablespoons) of sweetened condensed milk
  • 200ml (about ¾ cup) of heavy whipping cream
  • 5g (1 teaspoon) of sea salt or to taste
  • Ice cubes (optional, for a cold version)

Ensure your work area is clean and you have all the necessary tools on hand: a Phin filter or coffee maker, measuring utensils, a mixer or whisk for the cream, and a glass or mug for serving.

Brewing the Coffee

  • Place the coffee grounds in the Phin filter. If you’re using a coffee maker, prepare it as you normally would for a robust cup.
  • Slowly pour hot water over the grounds, allowing it to drip through the Phin filter into your cup. This should take about 3-4 minutes. Aim for about 95ml (3 ounces) of brewed coffee.
  • If you prefer your coffee sweetened, stir in the condensed milk until it’s fully dissolved.

Making the Salted Cream

  • In a small bowl, combine 200ml of heavy whipping cream and 5g of sea salt. Use less salt if you’re sensitive to salty flavors.
  • With an electric mixer or a whisk, beat the mixture until it forms soft peaks. This should give it a frothy, cloud-like texture that’s neither too stiff nor too liquid.
  • If you’re making an iced version, fill your serving glass about halfway with ice cubes.
  • Pour the freshly brewed coffee over the ice. Skip the ice if you’re serving it hot.
  • Gently spoon the salted cream over the coffee. It should float on top, creating a beautiful layer.
  • For a touch of decadence, you can drizzle a little extra condensed milk over the cream or sprinkle a pinch of coffee grounds for garnish.

And there you have it! Serve immediately and enjoy the rich, complex flavors of your homemade Cà Phê Muối. Whether hot or cold, it’s a deliciously unique way to enjoy coffee.

Expert Tips for the Perfect Brew

Brewing the perfect cup of cà phê muối, the revered Vietnamese salt coffee, goes beyond simply following the recipe. It’s about embracing the art and understanding the nuances that can elevate your coffee experience. Here are some tips we’ve gathered to ensure every sip is as satisfying as the last.

Choose Your Coffee Wisely

For authentic flavor, we can’t stress enough the importance of using Vietnamese robusta beans. Their bold, intense flavor is the backbone of cà phê muối. If you’re using the Kyoto brewing method, remember the golden ratio: 12 tablespoons of coffee for every 6 ounces of water. This ensures a strong, concentrated brew which is crucial for balancing the sweetness and creaminess of the other ingredients.

Perfecting the Salted Cream Foam

The salted cream foam is what sets this drink apart. Heavy cream is your best bet for achieving that silky, luxurious texture. The key is in the whipping; aim for a consistency that’s reminiscent of paint. This might require adjusting the amount of cream or the frothing time. Remember, we’re looking for a thick yet pourable foam that will gently sit atop your coffee.

Temperature Matters

Whether you’re enjoying your cà phê muối hot or cold, the temperature at which you serve it plays a crucial role. For a cold version, make sure your coffee is chilled before you start assembling. This helps to maintain the layers between the coffee and the cream foam. Adding ice to the coffee rather than directly into the cream ensures the foam remains intact for that stunning visual contrast.

Adjusting Sweetness

While the recipe suggests 4 teaspoons of simple syrup or your sweetener of choice, we encourage you to adjust this based on your preferences. The beauty of cà phê muối lies in its balance of flavors. Start with less sweetener in both the coffee and the cream foam, then taste and adjust accordingly. Remember, it’s easier to add more sweetness than to balance it out once it’s too sweet.

Experiment with Brewing Methods

Although the Kyoto method is recommended for its slow extraction, don’t shy away from experimenting with the Phin, a traditional Vietnamese coffee filter. The Phin offers a more authentic experience and can affect the final taste. No matter the method, maintaining the coffee-to-water ratio is essential for achieving the desired strength and flavor profile.

How to Serve and Enjoy Cà Phê Muối

After mastering the art of creating the perfect Cà Phê Muối, the final, and arguably most enjoyable, step is serving and savoring this exquisite beverage. Here’s how we like to do it to ensure every sip is as delightful as the last.

Serving Suggestions

Cà Phê Muối can be served either hot or cold, making it a versatile drink for all seasons. For a warm drink, ensure all components are at a comfortable sipping temperature before layering. Conversely, if you’re opting for a cold version, make sure the coffee is chilled and serve over ice. Regardless of temperature preference, always use a clear glass for serving. This showcases the beautiful contrast between the rich, dark coffee and the creamy, frothy top, making it a feast for the eyes as well as the palate.

  1. For Hot Cà Phê Muối: Gently heat the coffee after brewing it. Pour it into a pre-warmed glass to keep everything toasty. Then, carefully spoon your salted cream foam on top, allowing the heat to slightly mingle the layers for that perfect first sip.
  2. For Cold Cà Phê Muối: Fill a glass to the brim with ice. Pour the chilled coffee over the ice, leaving enough room for the salted cream foam. The ice not only cools the drink but also slows down the mixing of the coffee and cream, creating a slow-motion blend of flavors with each sip.

Enjoying Your Creation

With the Cà Phê Muối artfully served, it’s time to dive into the experience of drinking it. Here’s how we enjoy it to the fullest:

  • Sip Slowly: Don’t rush. Take your time to savor the unique combination of the salty-sweet cream and the robust coffee beneath. With each sip, try to identify the subtle layers of flavors.
  • Mix if Desired: While some purists prefer to sip from the bottom up, allowing the coffee to gradually mix with the salted cream, others enjoy stirring it gently before drinking. This combines the creamy froth and coffee into a wonderfully smooth blend. Experiment to find what delights your taste buds the most.


We’ve taken you through the journey of discovering Cà phê muối from its roots in Hue Vietnam to your very own kitchen. By now we hope you’re as excited as we are to try making this unique beverage at home. Whether you prefer it hot or cold the key is to enjoy the process and the delightful blend of flavors that make this drink truly special. Remember it’s all about finding the right balance that suits your taste. So grab your Phin filter or coffee maker and let’s make every sip of Cà phê muối a memorable one. Cheers to exploring new flavors and making more coffee memories!

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