Trung Chien: A Guide to Making the Perfect Vietnamese Omelet

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Written By Hot Thai Restaurant

We’ve all had those days when the craving for something quick, easy, yet utterly satisfying hits us. That’s when we turn to a beloved Vietnamese classic, “trung chien.” This simple, yet flavorful dish of fried eggs has stolen hearts far beyond its native borders, becoming a staple in our kitchen for its straightforward preparation and comforting taste.

What makes trung chien stand out isn’t just its simplicity, but the versatility it offers. Whether you’re jazzing it up with a sprinkle of spring onions, a dash of soy sauce, or keeping it delightfully plain, each bite promises a burst of flavors that’s hard to resist. It’s the perfect example of how basic ingredients can transform into something extraordinary with just a little love and creativity.

Join us as we dive into the world of trung chien, where we’ll share our favorite ways to enjoy this dish. Trust us, once you’ve given it a try, it’ll become a go-to in your culinary repertoire too.

Ingredients for Trung Chien

We’re excited to share the essential ingredients you’ll need to whip up your very own trung chien. Remember, this versatile dish allows for customization, but here’s what you’ll need to get started on this classic Vietnamese fried egg delight.

Main Ingredients

  • 4 large eggs
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil or any neutral oil for frying
  • 1 small onion, thinly sliced
  • 2 green onions, chopped
  • Salt, to taste

Seasonings and Herbs

  • 1 tablespoon of fish sauce
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar (optional, but it balances the flavors)
  • 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper
  • Fresh herbs (such as cilantro or basil) for garnish

Optional Add-Ins

To personalize your trung chien and add an extra layer of texture and flavor, consider incorporating any of the following:

  • Diced tomatoes for a tangy sweetness
  • Sliced mushrooms for earthiness
  • Shredded cheese for a gooey, melty texture
  • Cooked shrimp or minced meat for a protein boost
  • A splash of soy sauce or a dollop of chili paste for an extra kick

Tools and Equipment Needed

After diving into the world of trung chien with its variety of flavors and optional ingredients, it’s time to gather the tools and equipment necessary for this culinary adventure. Trung chien, in its essence, requires minimal equipment, making it an accessible dish for cooks of all levels. Let’s walk through the essentials to ensure you’re prepared to bring this Vietnamese classic to life in your kitchen.

Frying Pan or Skillet

The star of the show is a good-quality frying pan or skillet. We recommend a non-stick pan for beginners to avoid the eggs sticking to the bottom, ensuring a smooth flipping process. If you prefer a bit of a challenge or want to hone your culinary skills, a well-seasoned cast iron skillet also works wonders and adds a unique flavor to the eggs.

Mixing Bowls

You’ll need at least one mixing bowl, but having a couple on hand can be useful, especially if you’re incorporating multiple add-ins. Choose bowls that are large enough to whisk the eggs vigorously without splashing. This will allow for plenty of air to be incorporated, resulting in fluffier eggs.

Whisk or Fork

A whisk or fork is essential for beating the eggs. This step is crucial for achieving the light and airy texture that makes trung chien so delightful. We lean towards using a whisk to get more air incorporated into the eggs, but a fork will serve you just fine, especially when making a single serving.


A spatula is indispensable for flipping and serving the trung chien. Opt for a flexible one that can easily slide under the eggs without damaging their structure. A non-metal spatula is preferred if you’re using a non-stick pan to preserve its coating.

Measuring Spoons

For seasoning and any liquid add-ins like fish sauce or soy sauce, have a set of measuring spoons ready. Trung chien is forgiving, but a balanced flavor profile starts with accurate measurements.

  • Knife and Cutting Board: If you’re adding ingredients like onions, tomatoes, or green onions, a sharp knife and sturdy cutting board are necessary for prep work.
  • Grater: For those who love cheese in their trung chien, a grater is needed to shred your cheese evenly.
  • Oil Dispenser: To control the amount of oil used, an oil dispenser or a small measuring cup will come in handy.

Prep Work

Before diving into the cooking process, let’s get all our ingredients ready. This initial step ensures a smooth and enjoyable cooking experience.

Beating the Eggs

To start, crack the eggs into a medium-sized mixing bowl. It’s essential to check each egg for freshness as you go. Using a whisk or a fork, beat the eggs vigorously until the yolks and whites are fully combined and the mixture looks slightly frothy. This process introduces air into the eggs, making your trung chien light and fluffy. For every four eggs, we like to add a pinch of salt and pepper to season the mixture from within, enhancing its overall flavor.

Preparing Add-Ins

Next, we’ll prepare our chosen add-ins, which is where you can get creative. Finely chop the onions so they’ll cook quickly and blend well with the eggs without overpowering the dish. If you’re using vegetables, such as bell peppers or tomatoes, dice them into small pieces to ensure they cook evenly. For those who enjoy a bit of heat, finely chopping a chili can add a nice kick. Cheese lovers should grate their cheese now to have it ready for melting into the egg mixture.

If you’re incorporating meat or seafood, ensure it’s pre-cooked and chopped into bite-sized pieces. This step is crucial for ingredients like bacon, sausage, or shrimp, as it guarantees they’re fully cooked and safe to eat once the trung chien is ready.

Having all your ingredients prepped and within arm’s reach before you start cooking not only streamlines the process but also allows you to focus on achieving the perfect texture for your trung chien.

Cooking Directions

Embarking on the journey to create your own “trung chien” is both easy and rewarding. Let’s dive into the cooking steps that will lead to a delicious meal.

Frying the Eggs

First, heat a medium-sized frying pan over medium heat and add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, allowing it to heat up for about a minute. Once the oil shimmers, signaling it’s hot enough, pour in the beaten eggs that we have seasoned with salt and pepper. The eggs should sizzle upon contact—if not, your pan may not be hot enough. Tilt the pan gently in a circular motion to ensure the eggs spread evenly across the surface. Cook for about 2 to 3 minutes until the edges start to lift from the pan, indicating it’s time to flip. Using a spatula, carefully flip the omelet over and cook for another 1 to 2 minutes until golden and slightly crispy on the outside. The key here is to maintain a gentle heat to avoid overcooking the eggs, aiming for a soft, fluffy inside.

Adding Flavors

After flipping the eggs, it’s the perfect moment to add our chosen fillings. Sprinkle your prepared onions, any vegetables, cheese, and pre-cooked meats or seafood evenly over one half of the omelet. The steam and residual heat will gently warm and meld the flavors together. For those who enjoy a bit of heat, adding chopped chilies or a dash of hot sauce can introduce a delightful kick. After the fillings have been added, use the spatula to carefully fold the other half of the omelet over the fillings, creating a semi-circle shape. Let it cook for another minute to ensure everything is heated through.

Slide the omelet onto a plate, and it’s ready to serve. The result should be a beautifully golden “trung chien” that’s bursting with flavors, ready to enchant your palate. Each bite combines the soft and fluffy texture of the eggs with the crunch and freshness of the vegetables, complemented by the savory notes of cheese and meats. This dish not only satisfies your hunger but also offers a delightful culinary exploration of textures and tastes.

Serving Suggestions

After mastering the art of making the perfect “trung chien,” it’s time to focus on serving it in a way that enhances its flavors and presentation. Whether it’s a family breakfast or a special brunch, the right accompaniments and presentation can elevate this simple dish into a feast for the senses.

Presentation Tips

We believe that eating with your eyes is just as important as tasting, making the presentation key. To give your “trung chien” that wow factor, consider placing it on a colorful plate that contrasts the golden yellow of the omelet. A light drizzle of soy sauce or a sprinkle of fresh herbs like cilantro or green onions can add a pop of color and an extra layer of flavor. If you’ve added ingredients like tomatoes or bell peppers, position these vibrant components on top for a visually striking dish. For a truly professional touch, slice the “trung chien” into neat wedges or roll it up and slice to create a pinwheel effect, showcasing the fillings.


The versatility of “trung chien” means it pairs wonderfully with a variety of sides. For a traditional Vietnamese experience, serve it alongside a plate of fragrant steamed rice. The fluffy rice not only complements the soft, fluffy texture of the omelet but also balances the rich flavors. Additionally, a simple side of lightly pickled vegetables can introduce a delightful crunch and tanginess, cutting through the richness and refreshing the palate. If you prefer a lighter option, a crisp green salad dressed with a zesty vinaigrette can offer a fresh contrast to the savory omelet. For those who enjoy a hint of spice, a small bowl of chili sauce or a few slices of fresh chili can complete the dish, allowing everyone to customize their plate according to their spice preference.

Make-Ahead Instructions

When it comes to preparing “trung chien” in advance, we find ourselves with some nifty tricks up our sleeves that ensure this delightful dish retains its charm even when prepped ahead. This Vietnamese classic lends itself surprisingly well to the hustle of weekly meal planning or the need to ready ingredients for a faster cooking process.

Prepping the Add-Ins

First on our agenda is getting all the add-ins ready. You can chop and sauté onions, vegetables, and any meats or seafood you plan to include a day in advance. Store them in airtight containers in the refrigerator to keep them fresh. Pre-cooking these ingredients not only saves cooking time but also intensifies their flavors, making your “trung chien” even more delicious.

Beating the Eggs

Eggs are the star of the show in “trung chien,” and fortunately, they too can be prepped ahead. Beat your eggs with the required salt and pepper, and if you prefer, any seasoning that suits your fancy. This mixture can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to two days. Giving the eggs a good whisk before pouring them into the pan ensures a light, fluffy texture, so don’t skip this step even when prepping ahead.

Storing for Optimal Freshness

Our tip for the utmost freshness? Combine the prepped add-ins and the beaten eggs only when you’re ready to cook. This prevents the ingredients from becoming soggy and maintains the distinct textures that make “trung chien” a delight. Ensure to bring the egg mixture to room temperature before cooking to achieve the perfect omelet consistency.

Storage and Reheating

After savoring the delightful flavors of “trung chien,” it’s not uncommon to have some leftovers. Storing and reheating this Vietnamese classic can be done with ease, ensuring that it remains just as delicious the next day. Let’s dive into how we can effectively preserve and reheat “trung chien” to enjoy every last bite.

Storing Leftover “Trung Chien”

  1. Cool Down: Allow the “trung chien” to cool completely at room temperature. However, ensure it doesn’t sit out for more than two hours to prevent bacterial growth.
  2. Transfer to an Airtight Container: Place the cooled “trung chien” in an airtight container. If you have a large piece, consider slicing it into smaller portions for easier reheating.
  3. Refrigerate: Store the airtight container in the refrigerator. Properly stored, “trung chien” can last up to 3-4 days, maintaining its flavor and texture.

Reheating “Trung Chien”

Reheating “trung chien” correctly is crucial to ensure it retains its delightful texture and flavor. Here are our recommendations:

  1. Using a Skillet: This is our preferred method. Gently reheat the “trung chien” in a non-stick skillet on medium-low heat. You may add a tiny bit of oil to prevent sticking. Cover the skillet to evenly warm the omelet without drying it out. Flip halfway through to ensure both sides are heated well.
  2. Microwave: If you’re short on time, you can use the microwave. Place the “trung chien” on a microwave-safe plate and cover it with a damp paper towel to keep the moisture in. Heat it on medium power for 30 seconds to 1 minute, checking halfway to avoid overheating.


We’ve explored the delightful world of “trung chien” together and discovered just how versatile and easy this Vietnamese classic can be. Whether you’re whipping up a quick breakfast or looking for a way to reinvent leftovers, this dish has got you covered. Remember the key is in the preparation—beat those eggs well and don’t shy away from experimenting with your favorite add-ins. And if you find yourself with leftovers don’t worry—they reheat beautifully making “trung chien” a gift that keeps on giving. So next time you’re in the kitchen give this recipe a go. We’re sure it’ll become a staple in your culinary repertoire just as it has in ours.

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