Vietnamese Yogurt: A Complete Guide to Making and Enjoying at Home

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Written By Hot Thai Restaurant

We’ve all indulged in the creamy delight of yogurt, but have you ever ventured into the sweet, tangy world of Vietnamese yogurt? This unique treat, known as Sữa Chua, is a beloved staple in Vietnam, offering a perfect blend of richness and refreshing tang that’s unlike any yogurt you’ve tasted before.

Our journey into making Vietnamese yogurt at home is about to unfold, and trust us, it’s simpler than you might think. With just a handful of ingredients and some patience, you’ll be on your way to creating a batch of this luscious yogurt. It’s not just a recipe; it’s an adventure into the heart of Vietnamese cuisine, bringing a piece of its culture right into your kitchen.

So, let’s get ready to dive into the creamy, dreamy world of Vietnamese yogurt together. It’s a culinary experience that promises to delight your taste buds and maybe, just maybe, change the way you think about yogurt forever.


To embark on this creamy adventure, we need a handful of simple yet fundamental ingredients that bring the essence of Vietnamese yogurt, or Sữa Chua, to life. Here’s what we need:

  • 4 cups of whole milk (for that rich, creamy texture)
  • 1 can (14 oz) of sweetened condensed milk (for sweetness and the unique texture)
  • 1 cup of plain, unsweetened yogurt (with live active cultures, acting as our starter)
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar (optional, for adjusting sweetness)
  • 2 tablespoons of warm water
  • 1 packet of gelatin (to help set the yogurt for that perfect texture)

Make sure all your ingredients are at room temperature before you start. This ensures that the cultures activate properly and the mixture sets evenly. Now, let’s move on to the steps where we transform these ingredients into the dreamy Vietnamese yogurt we’re after.

Tools and Equipment

To make Vietnamese yogurt, Sữa Chua, at home, there are a few essential kitchen tools and some optional equipment that can make the process smoother and more enjoyable. Let’s dive into what you’ll need to get started on this adventure.

Required Kitchen Tools

  1. Whisk: A sturdy whisk is crucial for combining the milk and sweetened condensed milk thoroughly until the mixture is smooth and homogeneous.
  2. Measuring Cups and Spoons: Accurate measurements are key to the creamy, dreamy consistency of your Vietnamese yogurt. Ensure you have a set of measuring cups and spoons for liquid and dry ingredients.
  3. Medium Saucepan: Used for heating the milk to just the right temperature, which is essential for activating the yogurt cultures.
  4. Thermometer: A kitchen thermometer is indispensable for monitoring the milk’s temperature. It’s important to heat the milk to the correct temperature range to properly activate the live cultures.
  5. Glass Jars with Lids: Small glass jars or one large jar with a lid are necessary for setting the yogurt. They need to be clean and dry before you start.
  6. Large Bowl: A large mixing bowl is needed to dissolve gelatin (if using) in warm water or to mix all ingredients together before distributing them into jars.
  7. Spoon or Ladle: For distributing the yogurt mixture into the individual jars without spilling.
  8. Yogurt Maker: While not necessary, a yogurt maker can maintain the perfect temperature for incubating the yogurt, making it easier to achieve consistent results.
  9. Fine Mesh Strainer: If you prefer silkier yogurt, straining the mixture through a fine mesh strainer can help remove any lumps or undissolved gelatin.
  10. Insulating Material: Blankets or large towels can be used to insulate your yogurt as it sets, especially in cooler environments. This method works as a great alternative if you do not have a yogurt maker.
  11. Food Thermos: Another handy tool for keeping your yogurt mixture at the right temperature during the fermentation process if a yogurt maker is not available.


Venturing into the world of homemade Vietnamese yogurt starts with preparing your kitchen and ingredients. We’re here to guide you through every step, ensuring your yogurt turns out deliciously creamy and tangy.

Sanitizing Your Equipment

First things first, it’s crucial to ensure all your equipment is sanitized. This step prevents unwanted bacteria from affecting the yogurt’s fermentation process. Start by washing your whisk, measuring cups and spoons, saucepan, glass jars with lids, and any other equipment you’ll be using with hot, soapy water. Then, rinse everything thoroughly with boiling water or run it through a hot cycle in your dishwasher without detergent. Let all the equipment air dry on a clean towel or drying rack. This preparation not only sets the stage for a successful yogurt-making process but also ensures your yogurt is safe and healthy to eat.

Prepping the Milk

Once your equipment is ready, it’s time to prep the milk. In a medium saucepan, combine 4 cups of whole milk with half a cup of sugar (if you’re using it). Heat the mixture over medium heat, stirring occasionally to dissolve the sugar and prevent the milk from scorching at the bottom. You’ll want to heat the milk to just before boiling, around 180°F (82°C), as this temperature ensures that the milk proteins are denatured, which is crucial for setting the yogurt later on.

After reaching the desired temperature, let the milk cool to about 110°F (43°C). This cooling period is essential, as adding the yogurt culture at too high a temperature can kill the live active cultures that are vital for fermentation. You can speed up this process by placing the saucepan in a cold water bath, just ensure you keep an eye on the thermometer.

While the milk is cooling, in a separate bowl, mix one cup of warm water with sweetened condensed milk until well combined. If you’re using gelatin for extra firmness, dissolve it in this mixture according to the package instructions. Once the milk has cooled, whisk in the sweetened condensed milk mixture and two tablespoons of plain unsweetened yogurt with live active cultures. Make sure the mixture is well combined, smooth, and devoid of lumps. This blend forms the base of your Vietnamese yogurt, setting the stage for the fermentation magic to happen.

Cooking Instructions

Now that our ingredients are ready, let’s dive into the heart of making Vietnamese yogurt, ensuring every step leads to that creamy perfection we’re aiming for.

Heating the Milk

First, we pour the milk into a clean, large pot. Bringing the milk to a simmer, we aim for a temperature of around 185°F (85°C). It’s essential to stir the milk occasionally to prevent it from scorching at the bottom of the pot. This process not only sanitizes the milk but also changes the protein structure, making it more receptive to thickening into yogurt. Once we reach the desired temperature, we immediately move on to the next important phase.

Cooling the Milk

After heating, we need to cool the milk down to a safe temperature for the yogurt culture to thrive—about 110°F (43°C). To speed up the cooling process, we can place the pot in a cold water bath, stirring the milk gently to ensure even cooling. It’s crucial to keep an eye on the thermometer during this step, as too high a temperature can kill the yogurt culture, and too low might not activate it properly. Achieving the right temperature sets the stage for successful fermentation.

Adding the Yogurt Culture

Once the milk has cooled to 110°F (43°C), we whisk in the sweetened condensed milk until it’s well incorporated. This not only adds richness but also the sugary content needed for the bacteria to feed on. Next, we add the yogurt culture, stirring gently to distribute it evenly throughout the milk mixture. If we’re using gelatin for a firmer texture, this would be the moment to add it, having dissolved it in a bit of warm milk beforehand. Ensuring even distribution of the culture is crucial for the yogurt to set uniformly.

After completing these steps, we’re ready to let the magic of fermentation turn our prepared mixture into the tangy, creamy Vietnamese yogurt we’re aiming for.

Fermentation Process

After diligently preparing our mixture, we move into the heart of making Vietnamese yogurt: the fermentation process. This step is where the magic happens, turning our creamy mixture into the thick, tangy treat we love.

Incubating the Yogurt

To initiate the fermentation, we carefully pour the mixture into sterile glass jars or containers, ensuring each one is filled with enough space at the top to allow the yogurt to expand. We then cover the containers lightly with lids or a clean cloth. It’s crucial to maintain an optimal temperature for our yogurt cultures to thrive and work their magic. We incubate our jars in a warm, undisturbed spot, ideally between 110°F to 115°F (43°C to 46°C), which can be achieved in various ways—using a yogurt maker, an oven with the light on, or wrapping the jars in towels in a warmed, insulated cooler.

This step is all about patience and maintaining steady warmth; even slight temperature fluctuations can affect the result. The warmth coaxes the cultures to consume lactose, producing lactic acid, which acts on milk proteins to give yogurt its characteristic texture and tang. We let the mixture incubate for about 6 to 8 hours, but some might prefer a longer incubation time for a tangier flavor, especially up to 24 hours.

Checking for Doneness

After the incubation period, we check for doneness. The yogurt should be notably thicker, with a slight wobble if the container is gently tilted. We know it’s done when the yogurt holds together but still has a creamy consistency. If the fermentation time is too short, the yogurt might be too runny and not sufficiently tangy. On the other hand, fermenting for too long can lead to a very tart flavor and possibly a separated texture, with whey pooling around the edges.

To halt the fermentation process at the perfect moment, we remove the yogurt from its warm environment and let it cool at room temperature for about 30 minutes. Then, for the final step in achieving that rich, creamy texture, we refrigerate the yogurt for at least 6 hours, allowing it to set completely. This chilling solidifies the yogurt further, enhancing its creaminess and making it more palatable. Once chilled, our Vietnamese yogurt is ready to serve, perfect for enjoying on its own or topped with fresh fruit or a drizzle of honey for added sweetness.

Serving Suggestions

After crafting your perfect batch of Vietnamese yogurt, it’s time to talk about how we can serve it to maximize its delightful flavors and silky texture.

Sweetening the Yogurt

Vietnamese yogurt inherently carries a beautiful balance between tanginess and creaminess, but sometimes, you might crave a bit more sweetness. We’ve found that drizzling a little honey or maple syrup directly onto the yogurt before serving brings out its richness and adds a lovely dimension of flavor. Alternatively, for those who prefer a more uniform sweetness throughout, gently stir in your sweetener of choice to taste just before it’s fully set. This method ensures the perfect sweetness distributed evenly in every spoonful.

Flavor Variations

Exploring flavor variations with Vietnamese yogurt opens up a world of culinary delight. One of our favorite ways to enjoy it is by incorporating fresh fruits. Imagine layering your yogurt with slices of mango or berries for a refreshing twist. The tangy yogurt pairs wonderfully with the sweetness of the fruit, creating a harmonious blend of flavors.

For those who enjoy a bit of texture and nuttiness, adding a sprinkle of toasted, chopped nuts or granola on top just before serving adds an enjoyable crunch that contrasts beautifully with the yogurt’s smoothness.

Storage Instructions

After indulging in the silky texture and tangy taste of homemade Vietnamese Yogurt, ensuring its longevity is key. Here’s how to keep your Sữa Chua fresh for future enjoyment.

Refrigerating Vietnamese Yogurt

The best way to preserve the freshness and delicate texture of Vietnamese Yogurt is by refrigerating it. Once your yogurt has set and cooled to room temperature, we recommend transferring it to an airtight container. This not only safeguards its rich flavor but also prevents any refrigerator odors from seeping in. Properly stored, your Vietnamese Yogurt can last in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. Remember, a sudden change in temperature can affect the texture, so it’s best to let it chill gradually in the fridge before diving in.

Freezing Tips

Although freezing is not typically recommended for maintaining the authentic texture of Vietnamese Yogurt, we understand the need for longer preservation. If you choose to freeze your yogurt, pour it into a freezer-safe container, leaving some headspace for expansion. You can expect it to last for about 1-2 months this way. To enjoy, thaw it overnight in the refrigerator. Keep in mind, the texture may become slightly grainy upon thawing. Giving it a gentle stir or blending it briefly can help restore some of its original smoothness, making it perfect for smoothies or as a frozen treat on its own.


We’ve walked through the delightful journey of making and enjoying Vietnamese yogurt, from the initial steps of preparation to the joys of savoring each spoonful. Embarking on this adventure not only adds a delicious treat to our culinary repertoire but also invites us to explore the rich flavors and textures that make Sữa Chua a standout. Whether we’re drizzling it with honey, tossing in some fruits and nuts, or enjoying it straight from the jar, this yogurt promises a versatile and satisfying experience. Let’s not forget to store it properly, ensuring we can indulge in its creamy goodness whenever the craving hits. Here’s to many more batches of homemade Vietnamese yogurt, a simple pleasure that’s both nourishing and delightful. Happy eating!

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