Ultimate Guide to Vietnamese Chicken Porridge: Prep, Cook & Serve

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Written By Hot Thai Restaurant

When we think of comfort food, our minds often wander to the warm, soothing embrace of Vietnamese Chicken Porridge. Known locally as Cháo Gà, this dish is a staple in Vietnamese cuisine, cherished for its simplicity yet profound flavors. It’s a humble meal that carries the essence of home cooking, making it a beloved choice for breakfast, a light lunch, or a healing dinner.

The beauty of Cháo Gà lies in its versatility and the heartwarming stories it brings to every bowl. Whether you’re under the weather or just in need of some culinary comfort, this porridge has a way of making everything feel a bit better. It’s not just food; it’s a bowl of memories, shared across generations, bringing families together with each spoonful.

Join us as we dive into the comforting depths of Vietnamese Chicken Porridge. We’ll explore its rich flavors, the simplicity of its ingredients, and how to bring this cherished dish into your own kitchen.


We’re thrilled to dive into the heart of Vietnamese comfort food by sharing the ingredients for Cháo Gà. This Vietnamese Chicken Porridge combines simplicity with rich flavors, promising a delightful culinary experience.

For the Porridge

  • 1 cup jasmine rice, rinsed and drained
  • 10 cups water or low-sodium chicken broth
  • 1 small ginger piece, peeled and minced
  • 2 teaspoons salt, adjust to taste
  • 1 tablespoon fish sauce, adjust to taste

For the Chicken

  • 1 pound chicken breast, boneless and skinless
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground pepper
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 4 cups water or chicken broth
  • 1 onion, quartered
  • 2 green onions, finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup cilantro, finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup fried shallots
  • 2 tablespoons ginger, julienned
  • Lime wedges, for serving
  • Fish sauce, for serving
  • Sliced chili, for heat enthusiasts

Our selection of ingredients is designed to guide you through creating a dish filled with comforting flavors and textures. Each component plays a key role in bringing the authentic taste of Cháo Gà right into your kitchen.

Required Tools and Equipment

After diving into the simple yet rich flavors of the ingredients for Cháo Gà, we’re here to ensure you have the right tools at your disposal to bring this comforting Vietnamese Chicken Porridge to life. Let’s go over the essential equipment you’ll need.

Large Pot

A large, heavy-bottomed pot is crucial. You’ll need it to cook the porridge, allowing enough space for the rice to simmer and expand without spilling over. The heavy bottom helps to distribute heat evenly, preventing the rice at the bottom from burning.

Measuring Cups and Spoons

Accuracy is key when it comes to balancing the flavors in Cháo Gà. Use measuring cups and spoons for the rice, water, and seasoning to ensure the perfect taste and texture.

Fine Mesh Strainer

You’ll need a fine mesh strainer to rinse the rice thoroughly before cooking. Removing the excess starch contributes to the porridge’s ideal consistency.

Cutting Board and Knife

A sharp knife and a sturdy cutting board are essential for prepping the chicken and dicing the garnishes. Clean cuts not only make the dish more appealing but also ensure even cooking.

Slow Cooker (Optional)

For those who prefer a hands-off approach or wish to slow cook their Cháo Gà overnight, a slow cooker can be a great alternative. It’s not traditional, but it makes the cooking process effortless, resulting in tender chicken and perfectly cooked rice.

By preparing these tools and equipment in advance, we’re setting the stage for a seamless cooking experience. With everything at our fingertips, we’re ready to embark on the journey of making Vietnamese Chicken Porridge, ensuring every step from preparation to serving is executed flawlessly.

Make-Ahead Instructions

Preparing Vietnamese Chicken Porridge, or Cháo Gà, doesn’t have to mean a last-minute rush. With our make-ahead instructions, we ensure a stress-free cooking experience that brings out the dish’s comforting warmth and rich flavors without compromising on convenience.

Broth Preparation

First up, let’s tackle the heart of the porridge – the broth. You can prepare the savory chicken broth a day or two in advance. Simply follow your recipe to simmer the chicken with spices and aromatics, then strain and store the broth in the refrigerator. This not only enhances the broth’s flavor but also saves considerable time on the day of serving.

Chicken Shredding

After cooking the chicken in the broth, let it cool, then shred it into bite-sized pieces. The shredded chicken can be kept in an airtight container in the fridge. Doing this step ahead of time makes the final assembly of your Cháo Gà a breeze.

Rice Washing

Rinsing the rice is a small but crucial step in ensuring your porridge has the perfect texture. You can rinse the rice thoroughly until the water runs clear, then soak it in water and store it in the fridge overnight. This reduces cooking time and helps achieve that characteristic softness much faster when you start cooking the porridge.

Assembling the Porridge

When you’re ready to put it all together, take the premade broth, shredded chicken, and pre-soaked rice out of the fridge. Start warming the broth in your large pot or slow cooker, as previously discussed. Add the rice and let it simmer until it reaches that creamy consistency, then stir in the shredded chicken until it’s heated through.

Preparing the Chicken

After setting the stage with our make-ahead tips, we’ll dive into the crucial step of preparing the chicken, a cornerstone of creating a flavorful Cháo Gà. This process involves a few simple but important tasks to ensure our chicken is both tasty and tender.

Cleaning and Marinating

Before we cook the chicken, it’s essential to clean and marinate it properly. We start by rinsing the chicken under cold water to remove any residual blood or impurities. After patting it dry with paper towels, we move on to the marinating phase to infuse it with flavors that are hallmark to Vietnamese cuisine.

To marinate, we’ll need:

  • 1 whole chicken, cleaned and patted dry
  • 2 tablespoons of fish sauce
  • 1 tablespoon of soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon of ground white pepper
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 small piece of ginger, grated

We combine the fish sauce, soy sauce, white pepper, garlic, and ginger in a bowl, mixing well to create our marinade. The chicken is then placed in a large resealable bag or a bowl and coated evenly with the marinade. For the best results, we let it marinate in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour, though overnight is preferable for deeper flavor penetration.

Cooking the Chicken

Once the chicken is marinated and infused with all those magnificent flavors, it’s time to move on to the cooking phase. Our goal here is to cook the chicken thoroughly while keeping it moist and tender, which is essential for a comforting bowl of Cháo Gà.

Here’s how we do it:

  1. Remove the chicken from the refrigerator and let it sit at room temperature for about 20 minutes before cooking. This step ensures more even cooking.
  2. In a large pot, fill with enough water to fully cover the chicken. Add a pinch of salt and bring the water to a gentle boil.
  3. Carefully place the marinated chicken into the boiling water. Once the water returns to a boil, reduce the heat to low, cover the pot, and simmer. We’ll cook the chicken for about 40-50 minutes, depending on its size. A good rule of thumb is to check for doneness when the internal temperature reaches 165°F (74°C) at the thickest part of the chicken.
  4. Once cooked, remove the chicken from the broth and let it cool until it’s manageable to handle. Then, we shred the chicken into bite-sized pieces, discarding the bones and skin. This shredded chicken will later be added to our porridge for texture and flavor.

Preparing the Rice

After ensuring our chicken is marinated and cooked to perfection, it’s now time to turn our attention to preparing the rice—a foundational element for our Vietnamese Chicken Porridge. Let’s ensure our rice is perfectly prepped to contribute to the creamy, comforting texture we’re aiming for.

Rinsing the Rice

To start, we’ll need to properly rinse our rice. This step is crucial for removing any excess starch, which can make our porridge too thick or gluey. We recommend using jasmine rice for its fragrance and texture that complements the savory chicken broth beautifully.

Here’s how we do it:

  1. Measure out 1 cup of jasmine rice.
  2. Place the rice in a fine-mesh sieve and run cold water over it. Use your hands to gently swish the rice around, ensuring water reaches all the grains.
  3. Continue to rinse until the water runs clear. This might take a few minutes, but it’s well worth the effort.
  4. Once rinsed, give the sieve a good shake to remove as much excess water as possible.

Pre-Soaking the Rice

After rinsing, pre-soaking the rice is our next step. Soaking helps in softening the grains, which allows them to cook more uniformly. It also shortens the cooking time slightly, which is always a bonus.

To pre-soak the rice, follow these simple steps:

  1. Transfer the rinsed rice to a medium-sized bowl.
  2. Cover the rice with about 2 inches of cold water. The exact amount isn’t critical, as long as the rice is well submerged.
  3. Allow the rice to soak for at least 30 minutes. If you’ve got time for longer, even better. Soaking it overnight is ideal, but not always necessary.
  4. Once soaked, drain the rice thoroughly using the same fine-mesh sieve.

Cooking the Porridge

With the prep work out of the way, it’s time to dive into the heart of making our Vietnamese chicken porridge. This comforting dish hinges on combining our pre-prepped ingredients and patiently simmering them to perfection.

Combining Ingredients

To kick things off, we’ll need to bring our savory chicken broth to a gentle boil in a large pot. Once boiling, we carefully add the pre-soaked jasmine rice to the pot. At this stage, it’s crucial to give everything a good stir to ensure the rice doesn’t stick to the bottom and sides of the pot. We’ll also add in our prepped, shredded chicken. The rich aromas filling the kitchen at this point are just a hint of the delicious meal to come.

Simmering the Porridge

After combining the broth, rice, and chicken, we lower the heat to maintain a gentle simmer. This slow cooking process is key to achieving the porridge’s signature creamy texture. We’ll keep stirring occasionally, which serves a dual purpose: it prevents the rice from sticking to the pot, and it helps break down the rice grains, thickening the porridge.

This step requires patience as it typically takes about 30 to 40 minutes for the porridge to reach the perfect consistency. As the porridge simmers, you’ll notice it transform into a creamy, risotto-like texture, which is exactly what we’re aiming for. It’s this slow simmer that melds the flavors of the chicken and rice beautifully, creating a deeply comforting and savory dish that’s trademark to Vietnamese cuisine.

Remember to taste as you go and adjust the seasoning with salt, if needed. The porridge is ready when it’s thick, creamy, and the rice grains are soft yet slightly yielding. This is the moment we’ve been waiting for—our Vietnamese chicken porridge is now ready to be ladled into bowls and enjoyed.

Shredding the Chicken

After the chicken has been thoroughly cooked, it’s time to transfer it to a plate and let it cool slightly. This step is crucial for handling the chicken safely and preventing burns. Once the chicken is cool enough to handle, we start the shredding process.

Preparing to Shred

First, we ensure our hands are clean or we use a pair of forks for those who prefer not to use their hands. The method of shredding with forks involves holding the chicken steady with one fork while the other fork is used to pull and shred the meat into fine strands. This technique not only keeps our hands clean but also allows for a more controlled shred.

Shredding With Hands

For those of us who like to get hands-on, we start by finding the natural grain of the chicken breast or thigh. By pulling the meat apart along this grain, we achieve the most tender and naturally shredded texture. Remember, the goal is to create thin, even strands that will beautifully integrate into the porridge, enhancing every spoonful with its savory taste and tender texture.

Achieving the Perfect Texture

As we shred the chicken, we aim for uniformity in size to ensure each piece cooks evenly in the porridge, absorbing the flavors of the broth thoroughly. If we encounter any larger chunks, we take a moment to further shred them into smaller pieces.

Setting Aside

Once the chicken is shredded to perfection, we set it aside in a clean bowl. This allows us to easily incorporate it into the porridge later in the cooking process. The shredded chicken is now ready and waiting to be combined with the simmering rice and broth, promising to add a rich layer of flavor and texture to our Vietnamese Chicken Porridge.

Continuing with the recipe, our next steps will involve combining these beautifully shredded chicken pieces with the broth and rice mixture. By following these shredding tips, we ensure our porridge will have the optimal texture and taste, making for a comforting and delicious meal.

Assembling the Vietnamese Chicken Porridge

After preparing all the components, we’re now ready to bring everything together to complete our Vietnamese Chicken Porridge. This final step is where the magic happens, blending flavors and textures to create a comforting bowl of goodness.

Adding the Chicken

At this stage, the rice has been simmering and is nearly done. It’s time to add the shredded chicken into the pot. We gently fold the chicken into the simmering rice, ensuring it’s evenly distributed throughout the porridge. This not only allows the chicken to reheat but also lets it soak up the savory flavors of the broth, enhancing the overall taste of the dish. Keep the heat on a medium-low to avoid overcooking the chicken, as we want it to remain tender and juicy.

Adjusting Seasonings

Taste-testing is key here. We give the porridge a good stir and then take a moment to taste it. Based on your preference, you may find it needs a bit more salt or a splash of fish sauce for that umami depth. A pinch of white pepper can add a subtle warmth, complementing the gentle flavors of the porridge. If you like a bit of brightness, a squeeze of lemon or lime juice will not go amiss. Remember, the goal is to balance the flavors to suit your palate, making your Vietnamese Chicken Porridge not just comforting but irresistibly delicious.

Garnishing and Serving

After our Vietnamese Chicken Porridge has simmered to perfection, incorporating all those delicious flavors, it’s time to take it to the next level with garnishes and the perfect way to serve it.

Toppings to Enhance Flavor

To truly elevate the dish, we recommend a variety of toppings that not only add a burst of flavor but also introduce delightful textures. Here’s what we love to sprinkle on top:

  • Fresh herbs: A generous handful of chopped cilantro and sliced green onions brings freshness and a slight sharpness that cuts through the richness of the porridge.
  • Crunch: For that essential crunch, fried shallots or garlic are perfect. They add a wonderful textural contrast and a deep, sweet, and savory note.
  • Heat: If you like a bit of heat, thinly sliced chili peppers or a dash of chili oil can introduce a warm, spicy element.
  • Acidity: A squeeze of fresh lime juice just before serving brightens up the entire dish, providing a nice acidity that balances the savory notes.
  • Extra umami: A sprinkle of fish sauce or a dash of soy sauce can deepen the umami flavor, making the porridge even more irresistible.


We’ve walked through every step to bring the comforting warmth of Vietnamese Chicken Porridge right to your table. From the thoughtful preparation of each ingredient to the final burst of flavors and textures with your chosen garnishes, we hope you’re as excited as we are to dive into this dish. Whether it’s a chilly evening or you’re simply in need of a soothing meal, this porridge promises to deliver not just nourishment but a delightful culinary experience. So gather your ingredients and let’s make your kitchen a place of joy and comfort with this beautiful recipe. Happy cooking!

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