Authentic Pha Lau Recipe & Tips for Storing Leftovers

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Written By Hot Thai Restaurant

We’ve stumbled upon a dish that’s as intriguing as its flavors are complex—Pha Lau, a culinary gem from Vietnam that’s been warming hearts and bellies for generations. This dish, a delightful mix of offal stewed in a richly spiced coconut milk broth, is a testament to the Vietnamese philosophy of waste not, want not. It’s a street food sensation that’s slowly making its way into the hearts of foodies around the globe.

Our journey today takes us through the alleys of Vietnam’s bustling markets, right into our kitchens, as we attempt to recreate the magic of Pha Lau. We’ll explore the blend of spices that gives this dish its characteristic warmth and depth, and we’ll dive into the textures that make every bite a surprise. So, grab your apron and let’s embark on this culinary adventure together.


Diving into the world of Pha Lau means embarking on a flavorful journey with a delightful array of ingredients. Here’s everything you’ll need to recreate this Vietnamese street food sensation in your own kitchen.

For the Broth

  • 4 cups coconut milk
  • 2 cups beef or chicken stock
  • 2 lemongrass stalks, bruised
  • 4 kaffir lime leaves
  • 2 star anise
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 2 tablespoons curry powder
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • Salt to taste

For the Meat

  • 1 pound mixed offal (liver, heart, kidney), cleaned and cubed
  • 1/2 pound beef tripe, cleaned and cut into bite-sized pieces
  • 1/2 pound pork belly, cubed
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 large onion, finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon ginger, grated
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • Fresh herbs (cilantro, Thai basil)
  • Bean sprouts
  • Lime wedges
  • Sliced chili peppers
  • Crusty bread or steamed rice

We’ve carefully selected these ingredients to ensure you get the authentic taste and texture of Pha Lau. Now, let’s get cooking and bring the vibrant streets of Vietnam right to your table.

Required Tools and Equipment

As we continue our journey to recreate the vibrant and complex flavors of Pha Lau right in our kitchens, it’s crucial to have the right tools and equipment on hand. This section outlines everything you’ll need to bring this traditional Vietnamese dish to life.

Kitchen Tools

To ensure your Pha Lau cooking experience is as smooth and enjoyable as possible, let’s start with the basics:

  • Large Pot or Dutch Oven: The beauty of Pha Lau lies in its slow-cooked, tender offal and pork belly, all stewed in a richly spiced coconut milk broth. A large pot or Dutch oven is perfect for accommodating all the ingredients and allowing them to simmer beautifully together.
  • Sharp Knife: Preparing the mixed offal and pork belly requires a sharp knife. Clean cuts not only improve the presentation but also ensure that all pieces cook evenly.
  • Cutting Board: Given that there are various ingredients to chop and prepare, a sturdy cutting board is indispensable.
  • Measuring Cups and Spoons: Accuracy is key in achieving the authentic taste of Pha Lau. Measuring cups and spoons will help you add the right amount of spices, coconut milk, and stock.
  • Wooden Spoon: A wooden spoon is gentle on cookware and perfect for stirring the mixture without scratching the bottom of your pot.

Useful Extras

While the above tools are essential, a few additional items can make the cooking process even more straightforward:

  • Fine Mesh Strainer: If you prefer a smoother broth, passing it through a fine mesh strainer can remove any larger spice bits or impurities.
  • Mortar and Pestle: For those who love diving deep into the authentic preparation methods, using a mortar and pestle to grind fresh spices adds an extra layer of freshness and flavor to the dish.
  • Slow Cooker: For an alternative, hands-off cooking method, a slow cooker can be used to simmer the Pha Lau on low heat. This method is excellent for deepening the flavors over time, although not traditional.

Equipped with these tools and a heart full of culinary curiosity, we’re ready to tackle the next step in our Pha Lau adventure. Remember, cooking is not just about following a recipe—it’s about using your senses and instincts to bring a dish to life. So let’s put these tools to good use and create a Pha Lau that’s uniquely ours.


Diving into the preparation of Pha Lau, we’ll navigate through cleaning, marinating the meat, and preparing perfect garnishes. Let’s ensure every step enhances the dish’s complex flavors and textures.

Cleaning the Meat

First, we’ll start by thoroughly cleaning the offal, a crucial step for a clean taste. Place the beef tripe, heart, and liver under cold running water and rinse them well to remove any impurities. For the tripe, it’s essential to scrub it gently with coarse salt and vinegar to eliminate any residual odor, then rinse again until the water runs clear. Once cleaned, cut the offal into bite-sized pieces, ensuring uniformity for even cooking. Pat the pieces dry with paper towels, setting the stage for a deep, enticing flavor profile in our Pha Lau.

Marinating the Meat

After cleaning, marinating adds depth and richness. In a large bowl, combine the offal with two tablespoons of fish sauce, one tablespoon of sugar, a teaspoon of five-spice powder, and freshly ground black pepper to taste. Mix well, ensuring each piece is evenly coated with the marinade. Cover and let it sit in the refrigerator for at least two hours, or for optimal flavor, overnight. This marination process will infuse the offal with a savory sweetness, balancing the rich spices and the unique textures of the meat.

Preparing the Garnishes

While the meat marinates, we’ll prepare the garnishes that add fresh, aromatic layers to the dish. Finely chop a small bunch of cilantro and thinly slice two green onions. These herbs will be sprinkled on top of the Pha Lau before serving, adding a burst of color and a fresh, peppery taste. Next, slice one or two red chilies, depending on your heat preference, which will introduce a fiery contrast to the richness of the broth. Lastly, cut a lime into wedges; its acidic juice will be squeezed over the dish to enhance its flavors with a zesty finish. These garnishes not only add complexity to the dish but also allow individuals to customize their bowl with vibrant, fresh textures and flavors.

Cooking Instructions

Let’s dive into the heart of making Pha Lau, where we bring together the rich flavors and tender offal in a few key steps that will guide you to a delightful dish.

Cooking the Meat

First up, let’s tackle the meat. After thoroughly cleaning the offal, place it in a large pot filled with water, ensuring all pieces are fully submerged. Add a pinch of salt and bring the pot to a boil over high heat. Once boiling, reduce the heat to medium and let the offal simmer for about 20 minutes or until it’s tender. Checking for tenderness is crucial; the meat should be soft yet still offer some resistance. After cooking, drain the offal and set it aside on a plate to cool down. Once it’s cool enough to handle, cut the meats into bite-sized pieces. This step ensures that every piece will be infused with the flavors of the broth, creating a harmonious taste and texture in every bite.

Preparing the Broth

For the broth, we’ll start by heating a large pot over medium heat. Add a bit of oil, and sauté the minced garlic, finely chopped onions, and lemongrass until fragrant—about 2 minutes, making sure they don’t brown. Now, pour in the coconut milk, followed by a generous amount of water. Stir in the curry powder, five-spice powder, sugar, and a dash of fish sauce, creating a complex base of sweet, savory, and spiced notes. Bring this concoction to a simmer, and let it gently bubble for about 10 minutes, allowing the flavors to meld together beautifully.

Combining Meat and Broth

Once the broth is rich and flavorful, it’s time to add the previously cooked offal into the pot. Gently stir the pieces into the broth, ensuring they are fully submerged. This step allows the meat to soak up the aromatic broth, enhancing its flavor profile. Reduce the heat to low and continue simmering for an additional 20-30 minutes. This slow cooking process ensures that the offal becomes remarkably tender and the broth thickens slightly, coating each piece of meat with its delicious, spiced flavors.

Remember, the key to a perfect Pha Lau lies in the balance of spices and the tenderness of the meat. With each step, we’re building layers of flavors that culminate in a dish that’s as comforting as it is exotic. Feel free to adjust the seasoning according to your taste preferences, adding a bit more sugar or fish sauce for that perfect balance.


Now that we’ve mastered the art of cooking Pha Lau, it’s time to dive into the equally important aspect of serving. A well-presented dish not only entices the eyes but also heightens the anticipation for the first bite.

Plating the Pha Lau

We begin by selecting the right bowl or plate. A deep, wide bowl works best to accommodate both the offal and the broth comfortably. Ladle a generous portion of the Pha Lau into the bowl, ensuring there’s a good mix of offal and the rich, spiced coconut milk broth. The aroma wafting up at this stage is absolutely divine, hinting at the complex layers of flavor waiting to be enjoyed.

For those who prefer a bit more broth, don’t hesitate to add an extra ladleful. The broth is, after all, a key feature of Pha Lau, carrying the essence of all the spices and coconut milk, creating a melody of flavors in every spoonful.


The final flourish involves the garnishes prepared earlier. Sprinkle a generous amount of freshly chopped cilantro and green onions over the top. These not only add a pop of color but their freshness contrasts beautifully with the deep flavors of the dish. Thinly sliced chilies can be added according to taste for those who enjoy a bit of heat, bringing an additional layer of flavor that complements the dish wonderfully.

Lastly, a few lime wedges on the side of the plate allow individuals to adjust the acidity to their liking, providing a bright, citrusy lift to the rich and savory dish. Encourage your guests to squeeze the lime over their Pha Lau before digging in, as this small gesture can significantly enhance their dining experience.

Together, the garnishes not only make the dish visually appealing but also enhance the overall flavor profile, ensuring every bite is as delightful as the last. This attention to detail in serving makes enjoying Pha Lau an unforgettable experience.

Make-Ahead Tips

Preparing Pha Lau can be a delightful culinary journey that’s as rewarding as it is complex. To make the process smoother and ensure you’re not pressed for time on the day of serving, we’ve compiled some tried-and-true make-ahead tips. These strategies will not only save you time but also enhance the flavors of your Pha Lau.

Preparing the Offal

One of the most time-consuming aspects of making Pha Lau is preparing the offal. A day before you plan to serve the dish, start by cleaning the offal thoroughly under cold running water. Once cleaned, boiling them briefly can help remove impurities. After boiling, cut the offal into bite-sized pieces and store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator. This not only saves you prep time on the day of cooking but also helps to rid the offal of any unwanted smells, ensuring your Pha Lau has a clean, appetizing flavor.

Toasting the Spices

The depth of flavor in Pha Lau comes from its blend of spices. Toasting your spices ahead of time can significantly enhance their aroma and flavor. You can do this by lightly toasting them in a dry pan until they’re fragrant, then grinding them into a fine powder. Store your ground spices in a small, airtight jar at room temperature. This step, done a day or two before cooking, enriches the dish, giving it an unmistakable depth and warmth that only intensified spices can provide.

Marinating the Meat

If you’re using additional meats alongside the offal, marinating them can infuse them with flavor and tenderize them. Combine your ground spices with a bit of coconut milk to create a marinade. Coat the meat thoroughly and let it marinate in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, the meat will be flavor-packed and ready to be cooked, saving you valuable time and amplifying the taste profile of your Pha Lau.

Storing and Reheating

After enjoying the flavorsome journey of Pha Lau, you might find yourself with leftovers, which is great news! Pha Lau stores well, and its flavors continue to meld and deepen over time. Let us guide you through the best practices for storing and reheating Pha Lau, ensuring it remains delicious and safe to eat.

Storing Pha Lau Leftovers

  1. Cool Down: Allow the Pha Lau to cool to room temperature. This step is crucial to prevent bacterial growth. However, avoid leaving it out for more than 2 hours to ensure food safety.
  2. Refrigerate Properly: Transfer the cooled Pha Lau into airtight containers. We recommend using glass containers as they don’t absorb flavors and are better for the environment.
  3. Separate Broth from Offal: If possible, store the broth and offal separately. This practice not only preserves the texture of the meat but also facilitates easier reheating.
  4. Label: Mark the containers with the date. Pha Lau can be refrigerated for up to 3 days, which is a handy tip to remember for meal planning.

Reheating Pha Lau

Reheating Pha Lau correctly ensures that it retains its wonderful texture and flavors. Here’s how to best enjoy your leftovers:

  1. Stovetop Method: Pour the broth into a pot and gently heat it on the stove. Once the broth is simmering, add the offal. Heat through for about 5 minutes or until the offal is warmed thoroughly. This method helps keep the meat tender.
  2. Microwave with Care: If you’re in a hurry, you can microwave Pha Lau. Place the broth in a microwave-safe bowl and cover it with a microwave-safe lid or a wet paper towel. Heat on high for 2 minutes, stir, and then continue heating in 30-second bursts until hot. Add the offal in the last minute of reheating to avoid toughening.
  3. Adjust Seasonings: After reheating, taste the Pha Lau. Sometimes, reheating can alter the flavor balance. Add a pinch of salt, a squeeze of lime, or a sprinkle of fresh herbs to refresh the dish.


We’ve walked through the delightful journey of making Pha Lau, from the careful selection of ingredients to the nuances of preparation and serving. Our guide on storing and reheating leftovers ensures that not a single spoonful of this delicious dish goes to waste. By following our tips, you’ll find that Pha Lau not only tastes great on the day it’s made but can also offer an even richer flavor profile the next day. So go ahead, embrace the process, and let’s make every meal with Pha Lau a memorable one. Here’s to cooking, sharing, and enjoying food that warms the heart!

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