Top Vietnamese Coffee Brands for 2023: Brew, Pair, and Enjoy

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Written By Hot Thai Restaurant

We’ve embarked on a flavorful journey to bring you the best Vietnamese coffee brands, diving deep into the rich coffee culture of Vietnam. Known for its strong, robust flavors and unique brewing methods, Vietnamese coffee has captured the hearts of coffee lovers worldwide. It’s not just about the caffeine kick; it’s about experiencing a piece of Vietnamese culture with every sip.

Exploring these brands, we’ve discovered stories of tradition, innovation, and passion. From the highlands of Vietnam to your cup, we’re excited to share our finds. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or new to the world of Vietnamese coffee, there’s something here for everyone. Let’s dive into the aromatic world of Vietnamese coffee together and find your next favorite brew.

Understanding Vietnamese Coffee

Diving deeper into the aromatic world of Vietnamese coffee, let’s explore what sets it apart from other coffees and how its traditional brewing methods contribute to its unique charm.

The Unique Flavor Profile

Vietnamese coffee stands out for its distinctive flavor profile. Often described as bold and robust, it captures a perfect balance between sweet and bitter, thanks to the use of Robusta beans. These beans, which are more prevalent in Vietnam than the Arabica variety, contain almost double the caffeine and impart a stronger, more intense taste. When brewed, Vietnamese coffee expresses a rich chocolatey note, complemented by a slight smokiness that lingers on the palate.

The most intriguing aspect, however, is how this coffee transforms when sweetened with condensed milk—a common practice in Vietnam. The milk adds a creamy, caramel-like sweetness that perfectly harmonizes with the coffee’s natural bitterness, resulting in a beverage that’s both refreshing and indulgent. Whether served hot or iced, Vietnamese coffee offers an unforgettable taste experience that keeps coffee lovers coming back for more.

The Traditional Brewing Method

The traditional brewing method for Vietnamese coffee, known as Phin brewing, plays a crucial role in developing its signature flavor. A Phin is a small metal drip filter that sits over a cup; it’s simple yet effective, allowing for a slow brew that fully extracts the depth of flavor from the coffee grounds. Here’s how it works:

  1. Add 2 tablespoons of finely ground Vietnamese coffee to the Phin.
  2. Gently shake the filter to level the grounds, then place the press on top.
  3. Pour a small amount of boiling water into the filter to pre-wet the grounds, allowing them to bloom for about 30 seconds. This step enhances the coffee’s natural flavors and aroma.
  4. After the bloom, fill the Phin with more boiling water and cover it with its lid. The coffee will slowly drip into your cup, a process that takes about 4 to 5 minutes.
  5. If you’re making traditional Vietnamese iced coffee (Cà Phê Sữa Đá), add 2-3 tablespoons of condensed milk to your glass before the brewing process. Once the coffee has fully dripped, stir well to mix the coffee and condensed milk, and then pour over a glass full of ice.

The Phin method doesn’t just brew coffee; it creates an experience, turning each cup into a moment to savor. The slow drip not only yields a highly concentrated and flavorful coffee but also allows for a moment of pause in our often hectic lives—a testament to the Vietnamese approach to enjoyment and the art of coffee making.

Essential Equipment for Brewing Vietnamese Coffee

To embark on the authentic journey of making Vietnamese coffee, a few essential tools are key. Let’s talk about the heart of this brewing process and the importance of coffee grounds’ consistency.

The Vietnamese Coffee Filter (Phin)

The Vietnamese coffee filter, or Phin, is an indispensable tool for brewing traditional Vietnamese coffee. This small, yet mighty, stainless steel filter sits directly on top of your cup, creating a direct brewing method that’s both simple and effective. What makes the Phin so special is its ability to regulate the brewing time, allowing the hot water to slowly pass through the coffee grounds, extracting a full range of flavors and aromas. This process, reminiscent of the pour-over method, involves adding 2 tablespoons of finely ground Vietnamese coffee to the filter, lightly tamping it down, and then pouring over hot water. The Phin’s design, including its perforated bottom plate and lid, ensures a slow drip that results in a strong, richly flavored cup. The slow, mindful brewing reflects the Vietnamese tradition of savoring the moment, a practice deeply ingrained in their coffee culture.

The Coffee Grinder

To achieve the perfect texture and flavor extraction, grinding your own beans is crucial. A burr grinder is an excellent choice for this task, as it provides consistent ground size, which is essential for the Phin’s optimal performance. For Vietnamese coffee, we recommend a fine grind, similar to that used for espresso, to ensure that the water can extract the coffee’s bold flavors and robust intensity properly. The right grind size will also prevent the coffee from passing through the Phin’s small holes, ensuring that your cup is smooth and sediment-free. Investing in a quality coffee grinder elevates the entire brewing experience, allowing you to enjoy the depth and complexity of Vietnamese coffee with each sip.

Selecting the Best Vietnamese Coffee Brands

Choosing the right Vietnamese coffee brand can elevate your coffee experience, capturing the essence of Vietnam’s rich coffee culture. We’ll guide you through finding authentic brands that celebrate the traditional flavors of this beloved beverage.

What to Look for in Authentic Vietnamese Coffee

When searching for authentic Vietnamese coffee, consider these key factors to ensure you’re getting the best possible experience:

  • Bean Type: Authentic Vietnamese coffee primarily uses Robusta beans, known for their strong, bold flavors and higher caffeine content compared to Arabica beans. Look for brands that source high-quality Robusta beans.
  • Roasting Process: Traditional Vietnamese coffee is often roasted with a hint of sweetness. Some brands may add ingredients like butter or even a touch of sugar during the roasting process to achieve a distinctive taste profile.
  • Grind Consistency: Since Vietnamese coffee is traditionally brewed using a Phin filter, the grind consistency should be medium to coarse. This ensures optimal extraction and a clean, strong brew.
  • Brand Heritage: Consider the brand’s heritage and commitment to Vietnamese coffee culture. Brands that source beans directly from Vietnam and focus on traditional roasting and brewing techniques are more likely to offer an authentic experience.
  • Sustainability and Ethics: Ethical sourcing and sustainability are important factors for many coffee lovers. Look for brands that are transparent about their sourcing practices and support local Vietnamese coffee farmers.

Top Vietnamese Coffee Brands to Consider

For those ready to dive into the rich world of Vietnamese coffee, here are a few brands that stand out for their quality, authenticity, and adherence to traditional brewing methods:

  • Trung Nguyen: One of Vietnam’s most famous coffee brands, Trung Nguyen offers a variety of blends that cater to different tastes, including creative blends that mimic the traditional phin-brewed coffee.
  • Café du Monde: While not a Vietnamese brand, Café du Monde is highly popular in Vietnamese coffee shops for its use in making traditional café sua da (iced coffee with condensed milk). Its strong, chicory-flavored coffee pairs perfectly with the sweetness of condensed milk.
  • Saigon Phin Daklak: Focused on single-origin beans from the Dak Lak region, known for its superior Robusta beans, Saigon Phin Daklak offers a genuine taste of Vietnamese Robusta with bold flavors and a smooth finish.
  • Vinacafe: Well-known for its instant coffee blends, Vinacafe captures the essence of Vietnamese coffee culture with convenience. Their products are a good starting point for those new to Vietnamese coffee.

Exploring the offerings from these brands can serve as a captivating introduction to the delightful complexity of Vietnamese coffee, marked by its bold flavors, rich history, and the meticulous care that goes into its preparation.

Preparing Your Vietnamese Coffee

After exploring the rich tapestry of Vietnamese coffee and the top brands that bring authenticity and quality to your cup, let’s dive into the process of preparing your Vietnamese coffee. This journey promises to transform your coffee ritual into a cultural experience, reminiscent of the vibrant cafes of Hanoi.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using a Vietnamese Coffee Filter

Vietnamese coffee is traditionally brewed with a Phin, a small metal coffee filter that is both simple and ingenious. Here’s how we use it to create the perfect cup of Vietnamese coffee:

  1. Warm Your Glass: Start by pouring hot water into the glass or cup you’ll be using. This pre-warming step ensures your coffee stays hot longer.
  2. Add Coffee: Discard the hot water from your glass or cup, then place the Phin on top. Add 2 tablespoons (about 20 grams) of your chosen Vietnamese coffee grounds to the Phin. We prefer a medium grind that resembles sea salt in texture for optimal extraction.
  3. Compact the Grounds: Use the damper (the small, flat press that comes with the Phin) to lightly press down on the coffee. This step is crucial for an even brew.
  4. Bloom Your Coffee: Pour a small amount of hot water (about 205°F) over the grounds, just enough to wet them. Wait for 20-30 seconds. This allows the coffee to “bloom” and gives time for it to release its full flavor.
  5. Finish Brewing: Add more hot water to fill the Phin. Cover with the lid and let the coffee drip into your glass. This should take about 4-5 minutes. If it drips too quickly, consider a finer grind next time; if too slow, your grind might be too fine or you’ve pressed too hard.
  6. Enjoy: Once the dripping stops, remove the Phin, stir in your favorite additions (sweetened condensed milk for a traditional Ca Phe Sua or sugar for a lighter version), and enjoy!

Tips for Making Vietnamese Coffee

  • Quality Over Quantity: Always start with high-quality Vietnamese coffee from reputable brands. This is the foundation of a great cup.
  • Check Your Water Temperature: Aim for water that’s just off the boil (about 195°F to 205°F). Too hot, and your coffee will taste burnt; too cool, and the extraction will be weak.
  • Experiment with Ratios: Depending on how strong you like your coffee, you might want to play around with the amount of coffee and water. Start with our recommended measurements but adjust to taste.
  • Clean Your Phin Regularly: To ensure each cup is as delicious as the last, thoroughly clean your Phin filter after every use.

Serving Your Vietnamese Coffee

Now that we’ve mastered the art of brewing the perfect cup using the best Vietnamese coffee brands, let’s dive into the most enjoyable part—serving it. Whether you crave the warmth of traditional hot Vietnamese coffee or the refreshing taste of its iced counterpart, we’ve got you covered with these serving suggestions.

Traditional Hot Vietnamese Coffee

For those chilly mornings or when you need a comforting boost, serving traditional hot Vietnamese coffee, or Cà Phê Nóng, is the way to go. This method highlights the robust flavors of the coffee and its exquisite balance of sweet and bitter notes.

  1. Once your coffee has fully dripped through the Phin filter into your glass or mug, remove the filter and give the coffee a quick stir to ensure any residual sugar is fully dissolved.
  2. If you’re adding sweetened condensed milk, which is traditional, pour it in now. Start with about 2 tablespoons per cup, adjusting to taste. Remember, the key is to find the perfect balance between the coffee’s bitterness and the milk’s sweetness.
  3. Stir vigorously until the coffee and condensed milk are fully combined. You’re looking for a rich, creamy texture and a uniform color.
  4. Serve immediately while it’s hot. Take a moment to enjoy the aroma before taking your first sip, letting the unique flavors and the warmth envelop you.

The Iced Coffee Variation (Cà Phê Sữa Đá)

For a refreshing drink on a hot day, or whenever you desire a cool, energizing treat, the iced coffee variation known as Cà Phê Sữa Đá is a delightful choice.

  1. Prepare your Vietnamese coffee as described previously, using your chosen Vietnamese coffee brand. Once brewed, mix in the sweetened condensed milk to taste. We recommend starting with 2 tablespoons and adjusting based on your preference.
  2. Once the coffee and condensed milk are thoroughly mixed, let the mixture cool down for a few minutes. This step ensures your iced coffee doesn’t become too diluted when the ice is added.
  3. Fill a tall glass to the top with ice cubes. For an authentic experience, use crushed ice, but any form of ice will do the job.
  4. Pour the coffee and condensed milk mixture over the ice. The coffee should immediately begin to cool, creating a delightful contrast between the warm, aromatic brew and the crisp, cold ice.
  5. Stir the coffee and ice together until the mixture is cold and the ice starts to melt slightly, chilling the coffee to perfection.
  6. Serve with a straw and enjoy the refreshing, bold flavors of your Vietnamese iced coffee.

With these serving suggestions, you can enjoy the rich, complex flavors of Vietnamese coffee, whether hot or iced, any time of day. Remember, the art of Vietnamese coffee is not just in the brew but in how you serve and savor it.

Pairing With Vietnamese Coffee

Pairing the right foods with Vietnamese coffee can elevate your coffee experience to new heights. Let’s dive into some of the best foods that complement the rich and bold flavors of this distinctive brew.

Best Foods to Complement Your Coffee

When enjoying a cup of Vietnamese coffee, whether it’s the hot classic Cà Phê Nóng or the refreshing iced version Cà Phê Sữa Đá, certain foods can enhance this delightful experience. Here are our top picks for foods that pair wonderfully with Vietnamese coffee:

  • Buttery Pastries: The richness of buttery pastries like croissants or bánh mì thịt (Vietnamese pork sandwiches) pairs beautifully with the intense coffee flavor. The buttery texture complements the coffee’s body, balancing its robustness with smoothness.
  • Sweets and Desserts: Traditional Vietnamese sweets such as bánh flan (a Vietnamese style of creamy flan) or chè (a sweet, pudding-like dessert with beans and jelly) offer a delightful contrast to the coffee’s bitterness. The sweet and creamy flavors create a harmonious blend with each sip.
  • Savory Breakfast Staples: Dishes like phở (a fragrant Vietnamese soup) or bánh xèo (crispy Vietnamese pancakes filled with shrimp, pork, and bean sprouts) work surprisingly well, especially with the morning ritual of Cà Phê Sữa Đá. The hearty, savory notes of these dishes balance out the sweetness and strength of the coffee.
  • Fruits: Fruits like bananas or mango bring out the coffee’s natural sweetness and acidity. A fruit platter as a side to your coffee can add a refreshing touch, especially in warmer weather.
  • Chocolate: Chocolate, especially dark varieties, is a classic pairing. Its bitter notes and sweetness marry well with the robust flavor of Vietnamese coffee, making for a luxurious tasting experience.

Pairing Vietnamese coffee with these foods can accentuate the coffee’s complexity, enhancing both the coffee and the food’s flavor. Whether you’re savoring your coffee during breakfast, as an afternoon pick-me-up, or as a dessert beverage, experimenting with these pairings will undoubtedly enrich your Vietnamese coffee experience.


We’ve journeyed together through the aromatic world of Vietnamese coffee, from its unique brewing techniques to the delightful ways it can be served and enjoyed. Armed with the right brands and a Phin filter, we’re now ready to bring the rich, bold flavors of Vietnam into our kitchens. Let’s not forget the joy of experimenting with different pairings to discover how Vietnamese coffee can complement our favorite treats, making each sip a journey of its own. Here’s to many more mornings and afternoons enhanced by the deep, satisfying essence of Vietnamese coffee. Cheers to our next cup!

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