Kasoy Noodle Soup: Ultimate Guide to Making, Storing & Reheating

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Written By Hot Thai Restaurant

We’ve all had those days when nothing but a warm, comforting bowl of soup will do. But if you’re looking to switch up your soup game, we’ve got just the thing: Kasoy noodle soup. This dish might not be on everyone’s radar, but it’s a hidden gem in the world of soups, blending unique flavors and textures that will leave your taste buds craving more.

Originating from a fusion of culinary traditions, Kasoy noodle soup marries the nutty richness of kasoy (cashews) with the hearty comfort of noodles in a broth that’s both intriguing and nourishing. It’s a dish that tells a story of cultural crossroads, bringing together ingredients that you might not expect to see in the same bowl.

So, let’s dive into making this delightful soup. Trust us, it’s a recipe that’ll not only warm your stomach but also expand your culinary horizons.

Ingredients for Kasoy Noodle Soup

Let’s gather our ingredients for Kasoy noodle soup. This unique dish combines the comforting warmth of noodle soup with the rich nuttiness of cashews, creating a flavor adventure in every spoonful.

Broth Ingredients

  • 6 cups chicken or vegetable broth, for a savory base
  • 1 cup roasted cashews, to infuse the broth with a nutty richness
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce, for depth of flavor
  • 1 tablespoon fish sauce, adding a touch of umami (optional)
  • 2 teaspoons sesame oil, for an aromatic hint
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced, to add a kick
  • 1 inch ginger root, grated, for a spicy zing
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar, balancing the flavors with sweetness
  • 2 star anise, for a subtle licorice note
  • 1 cinnamon stick, adding a warm spice undertone

Noodle and Vegetable Ingredients

  • 8 ounces rice noodles, chosen for their delicate texture
  • 1 cup shredded carrots, for a pop of color and sweetness
  • 1 cup sliced mushrooms, adding an earthy flavor
  • 1 cup bok choy or spinach, for a green, leafy component
  • 1/2 cup green onions, thinly sliced, for garnish and a mild onion flavor

Protein Choices

  • 1 pound chicken breast, thinly sliced, for those who favor a classic
  • Or 1 pound tofu, pressed and cubed, for a plant-based alternative
  • 1/2 pound shrimp, peeled and deveined, for a seafood variant

Choose your preferred protein to tailor this dish to your liking. Each brings its own unique texture and flavor, complementing the rich cashew broth.

Garnishes and Toppings

  • Fresh cilantro, chopped, for a burst of freshness
  • Additional roasted cashews, roughly chopped, to reinforce the nutty theme
  • Lime wedges, providing a tangy counterpoint to the rich flavors
  • Chili flakes or fresh sliced chili, for those who enjoy a spicy kick

These garnishes and toppings add not just layers of flavor but also a variety of textures, making each bite of Kasoy noodle soup a delightful culinary journey.

Required Tools and Equipment

As we dive into the delicious world of Kasoy noodle soup, ensuring you have the right tools and equipment is as crucial as the ingredients themselves. Let’s walk through what you’ll need to make this flavorful dish a reality in your kitchen.

Large Soup Pot

First up, a large soup pot. This is non-negotiable. The beauty of Kasoy noodle soup comes from its rich broth, which requires ample space for simmering the combination of roasted cashews, spices, and your choice of proteins. A pot with at least a 6-quart capacity should do the trick, allowing all the flavors to meld together perfectly.

Skillet or Pan

Next, you’ll need a reliable skillet or pan. This is essential for sautéing the vegetables—like carrots and mushrooms—to the right level of tenderness. Getting that slight caramelization on them before they hit the soup pot elevates the flavor profile of the entire dish.


A good blender is your next must-have. Some of the roasted cashews will need to be blended into a smooth paste to thicken the soup and imbue it with its signature nutty flavor. Ensure your blender can handle hot ingredients and achieve a silky-smooth texture for the best results.

Strainer or Sieve

A strainer or sieve might not be the first tool that comes to mind, but it’s essential for achieving a smooth broth. After blending the cashews with some broth, you’ll want to strain the mixture back into the pot to catch any unblended pieces, ensuring a uniformly smooth soup.

Measuring Cups and Spoons

Accuracy is key in cooking, and Kasoy noodle soup is no exception. Measuring cups and spoons will ensure that each ingredient is added in just the right amount, balancing the flavors to create that perfect bowl of soup.


Finally, a ladle will be your best friend when it comes time to serve your Kasoy noodle soup. Its deep bowl allows you to scoop up plenty of broth, noodles, vegetables, and protein, making every serving as delightful as the last.

Gathering these tools and equipment before you start cooking not only makes the process smoother but also more enjoyable. With everything at your fingertips, creating this unique and flavorful Kasoy noodle soup becomes a seamless and satisfying culinary adventure.

Make-Ahead Instructions

To ensure a smooth cooking process and to intensify flavors, we recommend preparing some components of the Kasoy noodle soup ahead of time. This allows for a more relaxed assembly and cooking experience when it’s time to put everything together.

Broth Preparation

For the broth, the key is to develop deep, rich flavors that will serve as the foundation of our Kasoy noodle soup. Start by coarsely grinding 1 cup of roasted cashews in a blender. In a large saucepan, combine these ground cashews with 6 cups of vegetable or chicken broth, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, 2 teaspoons of grated ginger, and 1 minced garlic clove. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat and let it simmer for about 20 minutes to allow the flavors to meld together. After simmering, strain the broth through a fine mesh strainer to remove any solid pieces, ensuring a smooth base for our soup. This broth can be made up to 3 days in advance and stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container. Before using, gently reheat the broth on the stove over medium heat.

Protein Preparation

The protein choice for our Kasoy noodle soup—be it chicken, tofu, or shrimp—can also be prepared ahead of time to save on the day-of cooking. For chicken, cook it thoroughly in a skillet over medium heat, then shred it into bite-sized pieces. If you’re using tofu, press it to remove excess water, then cube and lightly fry it in a pan until all sides are golden brown. For shrimp, clean and devein them, then lightly sauté in a pan until they are pink and cooked through. All proteins can be cooked, cooled, and stored in separate containers in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. When ready to serve, simply add your protein of choice to the reheated broth to warm through, ensuring a rich and hearty Kasoy noodle soup that’s bursting with flavor and texture.


Diving into the heart of our kasoy noodle soup, we’ll guide you through each step to ensure your dish turns out flavorful and satisfying. Let’s get cooking!

Broth Cooking Instructions

First, let’s focus on creating our rich and creamy broth, the base of our kasoy noodle soup. Start by taking 1 cup of raw cashews and grinding them into a fine powder using a food processor. If you don’t have a food processor, a high-powered blender can work as well. After achieving a fine texture, move the ground cashews into a large pot.

Pour 6 cups of chicken or vegetable broth into the pot with the ground cashews. Add 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of sesame oil, and salt to taste, stirring to combine all the ingredients well. If you prefer a bit of heat, a pinch of chili flakes goes a long way. Bring the mixture to a simmer over medium heat, and allow it to cook for about 20 minutes. This gradual cooking process helps to infuse the broth with the nuttiness of cashews and the depth of the added seasonings.

After simmering, strain the broth through a fine mesh sieve into another pot to ensure a smooth consistency, pressing on the solids to extract as much liquid as possible. Discard the solids. Your kasoy broth is now ready and can be set aside or kept warm while you prepare the proteins.

Protein Cooking Instructions

For a hearty addition to our kasoy noodle soup, you can choose from chicken, tofu, or shrimp, depending on your preference. If you’re going with chicken, slice 1 pound of chicken breast into thin, bite-sized pieces. For those opting for tofu, press 14 ounces of firm tofu to remove excess moisture, then cut into cubes. If shrimp is your protein of choice, ensure you have 1 pound of cleaned and deveined shrimp ready.

Place a skillet over medium heat and add a tablespoon of oil. Once the oil is hot, add your chosen protein to the skillet. For chicken or shrimp, cook until they are thoroughly done and have a slight golden color, usually about 3 to 5 minutes per side. Tofu requires a bit longer, about 5 to 7 minutes, to achieve a crispy exterior. Season with a pinch of salt and pepper during the cooking process for added flavor.

Once cooked, transfer your protein to a plate and cover to keep warm. These can be added directly to the kasoy broth when serving. This step ensures that your protein is just the right texture and full of flavor, ready to complement the creamy, nutty broth and noodles in your kasoy noodle soup.


Let’s dive into the delightful process of creating our Kasoy noodle soup, ensuring a rich taste and satisfying meal.

Noodle Preparation

First, select your preferred noodles – rice noodles work beautifully for a traditional feel, but wheat noodles offer a hearty alternative. Cook them according to the package instructions, aiming for a texture that’s soft yet firm to the bite, known as al dente. Once cooked, drain the noodles and rinse under cold water to stop the cooking process and prevent them from sticking together. Set these aside while we prepare the rest of our Soup.

Vegetable Preparation

For a burst of freshness and color, our next step involves preparing the vegetables. Thinly slice carrots, mushrooms, and any leafy greens such as bok choy or spinach. The carrot adds a sweet crunch, the mushrooms provide a meaty umami, and the greens introduce a vibrant color and mild flavor. In a skillet over medium heat, sauté the carrots and mushrooms in a bit of oil until they’re just softened, about 3-5 minutes. Greens should be added last, cooked briefly to retain their color and nutrients. This quick process ensures they retain most of their texture and nutritional value when added to the Soup.

Assembling the Kasoy Noodle Soup

It’s time to bring our Kasoy noodle soup together. Reheat the creamy cashew broth over medium heat until it’s hot but not boiling – this ensures the nuts’ subtle flavors are fully released without being overshadowed by too much heat. Add the sautéed vegetables to the broth and allow them to simmer gently for a few minutes, marrying their flavors with the rich base. Then, divide the cooked noodles between bowls, and pour the hot broth and vegetables over them. Top each bowl with your pre-prepared protein – whether it’s shredded chicken, fried tofu, or cooked shrimp, each brings its texture and flavor to the feast.

Garnish with chopped green onions, a sprinkle of sesame seeds, and a few fresh cilantro leaves to lift the dish with their fresh, aromatic notes. A final drizzle of sesame oil or a squeeze of lime juice can add a layer of complexity to the Soup, making each spoonful a delightful experience. Serve immediately, inviting everyone to dive into this comforting, nourishing bowl of Kasoy noodle soup.

Serving Suggestions

After meticulously preparing the Kasoy noodle soup, it’s not just about savoring this delightful dish but also about presenting it in a way that complements its rich flavors and inviting aroma. To elevate the dining experience, we’ve gathered a few serving suggestions that pair beautifully with the creamy, nutty essence of this unique soup.

Pair with Crispy Sides

Nothing complements a soup better than a side of crispy treats. Consider pairing our Kasoy noodle soup with a platter of spring rolls or crispy tofu bites. The contrast between the creamy soup and the crunchy texture of these sides will surely delight your taste buds. Serve these on the side for guests to enjoy with their soup.

Rice or Noodles as Base

While our Kasoy noodle soup is already a fulfilling meal on its own, serving it over a small portion of steamed rice or an extra helping of noodles can make it even more comforting. The additional carbs soak up the rich broth, creating a heartier meal that’s perfect for colder days or when you’re in need of an extra energy boost.

Fresh Herb Toppings

Fresh herbs not only add a pop of color but also enhance the flavors of the soup. Encourage guests to garnish their servings with additional cilantro, sliced green onions, or even a sprinkle of Thai basil. These fresh herbs contrast beautifully with the creamy broth, adding layers of flavor that make each spoonful exciting.

Adjust Spice Levels

We understand that everyone has their preference when it comes to spice. Offering chili oil, crushed red pepper flakes, or sliced fresh chilies on the side allows guests to customize the spiciness of their soup. This way, everyone can tailor their Kasoy noodle soup to their liking, ensuring a personalized dining experience.

Storage and Reheating Tips

After savoring the delightful taste of Kasoy noodle soup, leftovers—if any—require proper storage and reheating to maintain their quality. Here, we’ll guide you through the best practices for preserving and enjoying your Kasoy noodle soup even after the day it was made.

Storing Leftover Kasoy Noodle Soup

  1. Separate Components: For best results, store the broth, noodles, and vegetables separately. This prevents the noodles from becoming too soft and mushy and keeps the vegetables crisp.
  2. Airtight Containers: Use airtight containers for each component to keep them fresh. The broth can be kept in a large container, while smaller ones can be used for noodles and veggies.
  3. Refrigeration: Place the containers in the refrigerator promptly. The broth and cooked ingredients will stay fresh for up to 3 days.

Reheating Kasoy Noodle Soup

  1. Broth First: Start by reheating the broth. Pour the desired amount into a pot and gently warm it over medium heat until it starts to simmer. Avoid boiling to preserve the flavors.
  2. Add Noodles and Vegetables: Once the broth is heated, you can add the noodles and vegetables directly to the pot. If you prefer, heat them separately in the microwave for a minute before adding them to the broth. This ensures all components reach a pleasant eating temperature without overcooking.
  3. Protein Reheating: If your soup includes chicken, tofu, or shrimp, reheat these separately to avoid overcooking in the broth. Then, add them to the soup just before serving.

Final Touches

Before serving reheated Kasoy noodle soup, taste it, and adjust seasonings as needed. Sometimes, flavors meld and change during storage, so a pinch of salt or a splash of lime juice can rejuvenate the broth. Garnish with fresh green onions, cilantro, or sesame seeds right before serving to bring back that just-cooked freshness and appeal.


We’ve journeyed through the delightful world of Kasoy noodle soup together, from its unique blend of flavors to the best practices for enjoying it days after the initial feast. By following the tips we’ve shared, you’re now well-equipped to savor this dish to its fullest, ensuring every spoonful is as satisfying as the first. So, whether you’re whipping up a fresh batch or diving into leftovers, remember that a little care goes a long way in keeping the essence of Kasoy noodle soup alive. Let’s keep making those dining experiences memorable, one bowl at a time.

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